

首展日期|2015/12/26- 2016/02/05












此次展出其中三件作品,《超級禁忌》、《自瀆有礙身心之說不可信(金賽博士)》與《臨風高歌》,皆企圖翻轉主流與地下、端莊與清涼的界線。他說,「這些作品可以說是七〇、八〇、九〇年代的綜合,也就是我從童年到青年的年代,當時學校教育或主流社會的道德觀都帶有濃厚的身體管訓況味。」透過老書刊的轉譯與再創作,蘇匯宇重新瀏覽那個時代,發覺其中的常識、價值觀或信仰都是不穩定的,就以《臨風高歌》來看,此作與高凌風有關,蘇匯宇從一本名為《電視美術》的教科書上翻找到高凌風的舞台設計,盛大場景令他懷想這位童年偶像,拍攝取景就選在歌廳秀全盛時期遺留下來的西門町「鳳凰大舞廳」,拼湊出記憶中八〇年代歌廳秀的樣子。他談到,「當時的新聞局禁播高凌風,把他歸為不正經的怪力亂神,但不知為何我就是很喜歡他,現在回顧,其實他從衣著到音樂的風格都很有Sense,甚至把大衛.鮑伊(David Bowie)的單曲《Last Dance》翻唱成《借錢》。走這麼前端的高凌風,表演卻受到禁令與審查,導致我幾乎將他遺忘;我好奇,種種這些無形的壓抑、管制或審查,究竟對我的思想與身體有何影響?我的道德觀又如何被建構出來?」





1976年出生於台北,2003年國立台北藝術大學美術創作研究所畢業,持續活躍於當代藝術領域。影像、媒體、史料與日常生活交織後的複雜現象吸引著蘇匯宇,過去他以錄像探討大眾影視媒體對人們觀看的影響,以及人們對媒體的思想與慾望的投射,其各式創作主題皆取材於自身被媒體環繞的相關經驗,從電影、電視文化、廣告、國家機器、恐怖主義、自我與他者、身體、慾望投射乃至幻覺與真實等議題都是他的關注項目。近期蘇匯宇開始著迷於古籍的閱讀經驗,透過重讀、重敘與重新組裝過往時代的書籍,獲取對於身體、存在與歷史等課題的重新認識。作品曾先後展出於台北市立美術館、國立台灣美術館、台北當代藝術館、關渡美術館、鳳甲美術館、高雄市立美術館、加州聖荷西美術館、康乃爾大學的強森美術館以及上海當代藝術博物館等重要機構,2013年錄像作品《稍待片刻》獲邀參加「盧森堡電影節」,於Casino Luxemburg當代藝術中心播映。2017年,作品《超級禁忌》獲邀參加鹿特丹影展(International Film Festival Rotterdam),入圍金虎獎短片競賽,影展並為其舉辦「蘇匯宇:午夜時段」專題放映。曾獲ACC「國巨科技藝術獎」獎助,於2009年前往紐約駐村。



等一個人公園,猥褻的小確幸:蘇匯宇個展《午夜場》─ARTALKS 2016/02/16

「超級禁忌」 同場加演「金賽性學報告」─ARTALKS 2016/02/09







製片及副導|陳祺欣 導演助理|彭泇淇、黃靖涵 場記|許哲涵 司機|林庭緯 攝影師|陳冠宇 攝影大助|阮翔雯 收音師兼場務|陳仕恩 場務|陳牧聖 美術|梁筱愛 美術助理|林亭聿 化妝師|陳瑋婷 髮型師|陳彥文 服裝師|張綾娟 劇照及側拍師|林益鋒


製片及副導|陳祺欣 場記|陳祺欣 攝影師|陳冠宇 攝影大助|阮翔雯 燈光師|簡強 燈光大助|陳勇兆 收音師兼場務|陳仕恩 化妝與服裝師|張綾娟 平面攝影|楊鎮豪、陳斌華





A Man After Midnight ── Su Hui-Yu Solo Exhibition 

Su Hui-Yu


Comments from Nomination Committee

In "Super Taboo," one of the works showcased in the solo exhibition, SU Hui-Yu demonstrates the portrayal of the body in a more powerful way than his previous work. The two-channel video, "Super Taboo," is performed by KING Shih-Chieh, who enacts the multilayered sexual imagination ostracized by the time of the martial law. The artist uses high-speed photography that stores 180 frames per second to capture the erotic scenes, which are rendered as stills or still frames. On the one hand, they visualize the sexual fantasy of the male protagonist; on the other hand, they are representations of the climax in pornographic novels or illustrated magazines. However, be it softcore or hardcore presentation of the body, the more crucial thing is that these sexual scenes are inappropriate and face the fate of being banned and criminalized. (Commentator: SING Song-Yong)

About the Artwork

Drawing on early variety shows, classic literature of sexology, and pornography of unknown origins, SU Hui-Yu's A Man after Midnight evolves around the themes of prohibited rebelliousness as well as lust and body while addressing the question as to how this sort of content muddled through the gray area of the government’s cultural censorship with multifarious patterns of aesthetic camouflage. By doing so, the series has portrayed a genuine sense of sexuality for this uninhibited era. The exhibition could be seen as a conclusion of SU's work from 2004 to 2014. However, it is not a retrospective but an evolution of the original context and subject matter of his art—an evolution from focusing on TV/mass media, reality/illusion, and images/daily life to a more comprehensive study of the complicated relations between history, communication, value construction, and ideology.

About the Artist

SU Hui-Yu was born in Taipei in 1976. He obtained an MFA from Taipei National University of the Arts in 2003, and has remained active in the contemporary art scene ever since. Su is fascinated by the intricate tapestry interwoven by images, media, history, and daily life. In his videos, he explores both mass media’s impact on viewers, and the projection of viewers’ thoughts and desires onto media. He draws from his experiences of being surrounded by media that range from movie, TV culture, advertisement, state apparatus, terrorism, self and other, body, projection of desires, and illusion and reality. Recently, Su’s interest in old books, from which he re-reads, revises and appropriates texts for his work, has led him to a new understanding of physicality, existence, and history. His work has been exhibited at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Hong-Gah Museum, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, San Jose Museum of Art in California, Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art at Cornell University, and Power Station of Art in Shanghai. In 2013, SU’s The Upcoming Show was screened at Casino Luxemburg for the Luxembourg City Film Festival. In 2017, his work, Super Taboo, was invited to the International Film Festival Rotterdam and was a nominee in the short film category for the Golden Tiger award. The film festival also held a midnight hour screening for SU's work. In addition, Su was awarded the Asian Cultural Council Fellowship Award and participated in a residency program in New York City in 2009.