首展日期|2016/01/23 - 2016/03/06
《錢江衍派》是一項由四名藝術家與四個家庭共同合作的電影計畫,這項計畫的發想源自於參與社會運動的經驗。四名藝術家在參與太陽花運動的過程中發現,家人雖然都肯定近代民主政治的發展,卻對於當今的社會運動有著諸多疑慮 ; 此外,即便父母成長於社運蓬勃發展的80年代,當年卻也都不曾親身參與其中。四名藝術家決定透過「拍電影」來和家人一同追溯這段過往,並藉此溝通彼此不同的想法,他們將監獄文學作家施明正的小說和生命經驗改編為劇本,而家人們則在片中飾演戒嚴時期的異議份子 ; 然而,家人們卻在電影的拍攝過程中漸漸地進入了自己的回憶,成了各自生命故事的回顧與反思,最後的電影則呈現了這段家人之間互動的過程。
這項計畫將電影作為翻轉現實關係的溝通平台,藉此在家庭內打開過往被閉鎖的話語。一方面,嘗試在「少數經驗」的重演中,重啟社會多數人與異己間的協商 ; 另一方面,則面對了家庭內部溝通的不可能性。
四位創作者為國立台北藝術大學美術系同學,2013年,他們展開首次家庭創作計畫,和家人討論自己心中的藝術以及創作。2014年3月,太陽花運動爆發,他們開始思考社會運動和藝術的關聯,著手構思劇本並於同年年底閱讀到施明正的著作;2015年3月,劇本完稿,決定找各自的父親來飾演片中角色。這部影片不只是施明正的故事,更是和家人溝通政治理念的契機。他們說,「寫劇本的前三年,我們一直思考社會運動和藝術事件的關聯,到底面對政治議題的藝術能還有什麼行動的可能 ?」認為許多議題至今仍未解決,各自的生活與價值觀和家人之間也有距離。《錢江衍派》便是在處理這種距離。「太陽花運動時,父母對我們的參與幾乎都是正向看待的,反而讓我們開始好奇為何八〇年代社會運動風起雲湧,父母卻缺席了」,創作者企圖利用政治議題來面對家庭問題,希望能跨越彼此世代的理念鴻溝。
四人為大學同儕,2015年畢業於台北藝術大學美術系,現活動於台北,台灣。 2013年起,四人便數度與同儕、家人合作創作計畫,嘗試在藝術生產的實作中發展與「異見」對話的工作方法。作品以行為表演、錄像、計畫型創作為主,包含:《生伙計畫—家庭洄游》、《澄橙》、《錢江衍派》、《中國城大戲院》等。
藝術家 / 導演|廖烜榛、黃奕捷、李佳泓、王又平
Time Splits in the River
LIAO Xuan-Zhen, HUANG I-Chieh, LEE Chia-Hung, WANG Yu-Ping
Comments from Nomination Committee
Instead of describing Time Splits in the River as a "film" co-created by four young artists, WANG Yu-Ping, LEE Chia-Hung, HUANG I-Chieh, and LIAO Xuan-Zhen, I would rather say that the production of the film is an event that spans two generations as well as individual and collective memory. The script evolves around SHI Ming-Zheng, a political activist in the fields of literature and painting, but the actors are the fathers of the young artists. As the children, the artists conduct dialogues with their fathers to create a drama film. However, the fathers are neither professional actors nor political victims, and cannot help but expose their identities in the process. When the performance digresses and gives space for other narratives, the actors become fathers again, and the narrative cracks not only reveal the past of their everyday life, but also become the most precious thing in the entire project. (Commentator: JIAN Tzu-Chieh)
About the Artwork
Time Splits in the River is a collaborative movie project created by four artists and four families. The conception of the project originated from the artists’ involvement in a social movement. While taking part in Taiwan’s Sunflower Movement, the four artists realized that their families are quite hesitant about today's social movements despite them being in agreement with Taiwan’s modern democratic progress. Furthermore, although their parents grew up in the 1980s when social movements flourished, they had never participated in any. The four artists then decided to use filmmaking to trace back to this period in time with their families and to use the opportunity to communicate with each other. They have created a screenplay by adapting a novel by writer and political prisoner SHIH Ming-Cheng, with dissidents from the martial law period portrayed by members of their families. As the plot advances, their families also begin to slowly become entangled in their own past, with the film capturing the recollection and introspection of their own lives. The process of the families’ interactions is then ultimately presented in the film.
The project employs film as a communication platform to subvert relations in life and to spark dialogues that have been avoided in the past amongst the artists' families. On the one hand, through reenacting these social minority’s experiences, the film reintroduces conversations between the social majority and dissidents; on the other hand, it exposes the impossibility of internal family communication.
About the Artist
LIAO Xuan-Zhen was born in 1993, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
HUANG I-Chieh was born in 1992, Tainan, Taiwan.
LEE Chia-Hung was born in 1992, Taichung, Taiwan.
WANG Yu-Ping was born in 1993, Taipei, Taiwan.
Being classmates, the four members all graduated from the Department of Fine Arts, Taipei National University of the Arts, and are now based in Taipei, Taiwan. Since 2013 onward, they have initiated several artistic projects with their peer artists and family members, attempting to develop in and from these projects a more communicative creativity that enables dialogues with "dissidents." Their works range from performance art, film, to art project, including: Project on Fire: Families’ Migration, Graveside, Time Splits in the River, Chinatown Theater, etc.